- Teachings from: Rev. Mark Wallace
- 11:00 am MTN
- Live Stream

True North Ministry was founded in 2011, but was many years in the making. After serving with multiple ministries for over 40 years we realized that many churches and ministries start off with good intentions, but usually morph into a lesser version of themselves as the numbers grow. True North is strictly an online teaching ministry. There is no hierarchy and no quotas for people or money. Many of the people who listen are ministers themselves or were people who have been deeply involved. We are not trying to pull anyone away from their favorite fellowship or church. We just teach the Word. We chose Colorado Springs as our studio location because of its beauty, and its healthy Christian population.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
- John 14:12

Our Purpose
Our purpose is to help searching Christians find their “True North” by gaining an understanding of who they are in Christ. We endeavor to help them discover their part in the Body of Christ, as well as learning to uncover the super-conquering power that every Christian was filled with the moment they were born again. We expect Jesus’ life-changing comment in John 14 to come to pass for all of you.

We believe in God the Father and His son our Lord Jesus Christ. We also know that it clearly states in Acts 2, that after the Day of Pentecost God gave His gift of holy spirit to anyone who makes Jesus Lord and believes that God raised him from the dead. We believe it is easy to get born again and filled with power. This new birth allows us to live life at a level most Christians only read about. Once we see it in the Word and believe it with our actions, we too will do those “greater works” of John 14:12.

In order to live at that level of Christianity it takes a full-on believing mindset combined with a heart to serve. It takes stepping outside of our comfort zones and stepping outside our self-imposed, society-implemented, and religiously-expected boundaries. It takes a fresh look at the scriptures, a stripping away of the filters of mediocrity, and a belief in who we each are designed by God to be. God set us up for success.

Our purpose is to help those find their TRUE NORTH by understanding who they are in Christ. This is why Mark started True North Ministry. To help people find their true north, their position in the Body of Christ; to help them see the Word clear enough, from a fresh perspective, so they can fulfill their personal and dynamic calling.

Mark was raised in a military family by loving parents and five other siblings. He was exposed to many different styles of Christianity during his family’s travels, as well as observing other religions while living overseas. He was ever curious as to why people believed so differently.

Mark’s heart-quest to understand Christianity began during his late teen years in the mid 70’s. He attended dozens of churches and home fellowships looking for a group who lived the Word and walked with power like the believers of Acts. He attended various Bible colleges and secular Universities to enhance his understanding of the Bible, of people, and of society. He was ordained in 1995.

Mark and his wife of 43 years, Josephine, moved 27 times and served with various groups, from coast to coast, in multiple US cities. Mark has taught well over 10,000 services, has published numerous articles, as well as teaching multiple live classes and seminars. Each presentation was with the intent of helping others discover who they are in Christ so they could fulfill their calling.
The money goes strictly for the rent and utilities of our studio, website maintenance, equipment, and caring for the believers. All our leadership are volunteers and maintain full-time secular jobs. I could share a dozen verses on giving, but I will spare you. Anyone who had read this far already understands the benefits. If you feel like giving then give, if you already give to other groups, it’s all good. Just in case you weren’t aware, we are a not for profit 501(c)(3) and your donations are tax deductible.